Article 1, Volume 7
Scenarios of Projected Crime on Target for Holiday Season
We were on target in predicting the type of crime that would be committed in the 7 day period leading up to the new year. However, our projection of 38 arrests was way off. In the first two days that number was exceeded. Our count reached 110 by the fourth day.
During the 7 day period in the sample more than 150 crimes of robbery, theft of some sort, and drugs use or distribution were recorded and acted on by the Police Department.
This ongoing behavior is really sad for a city the size of Suffolk.
What's going on? There are plenty of churches. But are they putting in enough direct aid in the communities to make a significant difference? For example, some churches boast about how much money they have in the treasury. People donate their hard earned dollars to be used for the betterment of the communities. More too often, this is not happening.
The schools still are ranked low in the State of Virginia.
The values of decency and respect just are not there in too many cases. The profanity used on the social media sites is disgusting. I'm talking about by 14 and 15 year old children.
If children and adults cannot afford something, don't worry it. Don't destroy somebody else joy for what they have earned by stealing it from them.
Maybe, I am stuck in the past, but I remember as children we use to make our own toys and make due with whatever we had. This was true throughout the city and county. (We, in the black community understood that Santa Claus was going to bring us the leftovers before he went back to the North Pole).
Look at some of the crimes. Hiding clothes in the bra or panties trying to walk through the exit door; stealing toys and gifts somebody done worked hard for their children and stealing somebody else money to buy drugs.
Oh, it goes on and on.
I know the sadness that came upon me when a classmate stole my brand new tennis shoes out of our homeroom closet. Then he had the nerve to wear them to class the next day. My plea to the principal and teachers didn't go anywhere.
I felt like crying, because I had worked hard in seemingly, the cotton field to earn that money. So, I just accepted the outcome and kept on trucking. I mean, I still had shoes.
Consider what happen, in December 2014. A woman saw some money in a man's wallet, called in her friends, and the man ended up dead. The woman and her friends will spend a long time in jail. All over some money that did not belong to them.
The consequence of that crime had a direct sad effect on over 50 people, when you consider the children, grandchildren and others connected to all involved.
Bottom line. If you didn't earn it. Don't steal it.
Copyright 2016. Grady E. Bryant
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