Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Season: Projecting that 38 persons in Suffolk will be arrested for drugs or theft before January 1, 2016

Article 4 Volume 6

The Suffolk Police Department will likely be making lots of arrests for theft and drugs as the Holiday Season puts pressure on individuals to produce money or gifts for love ones

Our prediction is based, in part, on the following: Parents are expected to come up with high cost gifts for their children; boyfriends and girlfriends are expected to give gifts of $100 to $1,000 value or more to their mate or else; wives and husbands are looking for that expensive ring or diamond or something of high value.

Churches factor in too.  Many churches are looking for a year close out gift of  perhaps $100 to $5,000 from members.

Oh, me, oh my, its so painful just to think about it!

Just look at the police reports for the month of December 2015.  You will see the number of arrests have gone up as the days and nights of the month go by.

My heart goes out to that poor man who will be caught trying to steal something for his five children from a leading department store.  Look bro, they got the camera on you!  They are going to catch you before you get off the parking lot.

Ah, they didn't catch you.  Now, the fool is going to go back on Christmas Eve and steal something else with a $15 dollar value.  This time they are going to catch him and lock him up for Christmas Day.  

Oh, what a pity, his wife and five children will be at home without him. Think bro, was it worth it? Of course not.

I can hear his little 3 year old boy asking, "Where is Daddy?"

Resole promised his girlfriend a car. But he lost his job in November.  He just does not have the money to buy a car valued at $15,000.  Shallota Mae just can't grasp that Resole just cannot buy the car.  Maybe, next year.

Sadly, the pressure got to him and he went out and got caught up in drugs. Christmas Day he will be locked up.  His court appointed attorney is talking about Resole spending 10 to 15 years in jail.

Consequently, his relationship with Shallota Mae is probably over. Oh, what a pity. But the pressure of wanting to satisfy his girlfriend was just too much.

Now she will move on with a new boyfriend, and send him letters telling him how much she loves him.

Calesa is a very good girl. But the pressure of not having got to her.  So, she went out and bought some drugs. She walked into a sting in progress.

Calesa will be locked up on Christmas Day for possession of drugs.  Her plea is that she wasn't hurting nobody but herself.  But sister, this is Suffolk, Virginia, and the law is the law. 

 Now your 5 year old son and 7 year old daughter will be at home without you.  Really, Calesa, they didn't care that much about the toys or clothes. They wish you could be there. 

The pressure to have, but be unable to have, can be painful.  But just let it go, brothers and sisters because it just is not worth it.

Looking back, in the 1950's and 1960's we were happy with the single shot toy pistol.  We made our toy guns and other toys from whatever. Like, wagons from boxes and old carriage wheels, a child could be happy if he had an old car tire to roll down the street.

To some extent, children didn't really care that much.  because many of us believed that Santa Claus took all the good presents to the white kids and dropped off the leftovers in our neighborhood. Generally, he didn't get to our homes until 6 a.m. Christmas Day.

A girl could be happy with a $2.00 gift.  Just had to show her that you really cared about her. Same with the guys. Often, but not always, would settle for a kiss on the cheek.

I am hoping that our projection for arrests is off base.  If so, I will be very happy, but our statistical analysis based on the GEB scale of quantitative data proves to be within five (5) percent over and over in situations we analize.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody!!  Please help prove all this projected stuff just ain't going to be true, at least in your lives. 

Readers: This presentation was based, in part, on the mythological perceptions of the writer.  

           Copyright 2015. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.


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