Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mary Estes Elementary: Remembering members of my 2nd Grade Class in 1949 - 1950. Where are they now?

Article 10, volume 3           May 19, 2013

Remembering My 1949-1950 Second Grade Classmates at Mary Estes Elementary

This exercise is to help keep my memory active.I do similar brain exercises on a regular basis.  This one is interesting, because some of these classmates haven't crossed my mind in over 50 years.  If you were around back then you might be able to help me. My goal is to name 20.

Our teacher was Miss Ruth Stewart. I believe this was her first job as a teacher. She was about 4' 6" tall. She later resurfaced as Mrs. Whitfield at East Suffolk High. The principal was Mrs. Beulah Watts.

Well, let's get started.

South Suffolk and Pleasant Hill


Marion Bemory (one of my favorite)
Ella Brown (died recently)
Alma Watkins (We should have been better friends.  She was very active in high school activities)
Elnora "Baby Sis" Boone ( lived on Lewis Ave. Died recently)
Becky Johnson (died young)
Mary Savage (one of my favorite)
Claudia Anthony ( Married John Sparrow. Son was an NBA star)
Imogene Parker (lived on my block. Don't mess with Imogene! )
Patty Harrell (lived on my street. Died recently )
Shirley Orange Howell (married Lawrence Weaver. Both passed away recently)
Ida Freeman ( Lived on Webb St by the railroad track.)
Becky Goodman (my cousin)
Earlene Joyner (lived on Cullodan Street)


Lonnie Peterson (Did he marry my  high school classmate?)
Alson Cromwell ( We were friends, but we fought all the way through elementary school)
James Majett (Quiet. Joined Army.)
Red Scott (lived on Cullodan St. Good softball player )
Tom Martin (lived on County Street)
Elmer Cooper (lived on County Street)
 Bubba Bailey (lived on Pleasant & County Street. Married Linda Mitchell)
Thurman "Bump" Patillo (Retired gov't. Married Burnette Graves)
David Alston (died) (Army vet. Married my cousin, Carolyn Bryant)
David Bullock (died) (Army vet. Married my neighbor Marjorie Turner)
Winfield Warren (lived on Webb Street in the curve)
Grady Bryant (I'll count myself)
*Ernest Powell
*T. Thomas Majett



Mildred Knight "Brown Gal" her family given nickname.(very active in high school activities)
**Kathleen Wiggins ( I delivered newspapers to her home)
Delores Simmons ( honor roll student)
Betty Mae Silver (She is related to the Mabry family on Lewis Ave)
Annie Mae Felton (We were in the same homeroom at least 10 years. Very active in high school  activities)
*Annie Laura Beasley
*Josephine Brown


James Jackson (We fought a lot)
Shirley Ford (He retired from the military)
Russo Skinner (twin brother of Russell. Married my classmate Ella Deloatch)
Russell Skinner (married my classmate Shirley "Mae" Sessoms)
*Grady Wynn (died in motorcycle accident)
Total count: 39

 Most memorable event in 2nd grade:  Two of the 7 -year old boys physically beat up the teacher.
It's strange, but that incident left an impression in my mind that will not go away. My classmate, Annie Felton still talks about what happen that day in the classroom.

Out of the 39, only 6 boys and 6 girls (30 percent) graduated with our high school class. However, some got a GED or perhaps graduated from another school or with a different class.

 I recommend you try similar brain exercises. It can be a method of helping to prevent some brain diseases or you can just do it for fun.

Am I missing a name?

*Names provided by Marion Bemory -Wright, a classmate.
**Contributor to events regarding classmates

Copyright 2013. Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.

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