Tuesday, October 31, 2017

French: My worst performing class in high school turned out to be one of my most rewarding Part 1

Article 3 Volume 8

I tried, but just couldn't comprehend French

In my Junior year (11th grade) I decided to learn French.  It was my decision and mines alone.  In those days, we didn't have guidance counselors for students.

My teacher, Mrs XJ was considered by many to be a very good teacher.

I comprehended very well the first week of class. However, by the third week, I was completely lost.  Just couldn't comprehend.

Students in that era, just didn't, on a  notable scale,  practice helping each other with school work.   

I stayed back after class and sought help from the teacher.  She may have given me a little help, but it was futile.

After the first six weeks I got my report card.  I had 3 A's, and 2 B's,  and for French a D.
It was really a complimentary D.  Because I really didn't advance much beyond the second week.

The sad thing is I was not allowed to drop the class and take another class or do something different.

Lesson 1 learned.  If you don't get the basics of a class in the first 6 weeks, you are not likely going to get the advanced elements of the class.

Well, I didn't quit.  I hung in there, and somewhat enjoyed some of the presentations about France.

When the school year ended I was so happy to say goodbye to French.

I made a vow (turned out to be temporary) that I would never enter another French class.

I was expecting a F for the year, but Mrs. XJ gave me a complimentary D. That D (I believe) knocked me out of the Top 15 ranking in my class.

During the Summer, I started thinking that the D in French could hinder me from getting a football scholarship or limiting my chance to get a scholarship in Journalism.  ( I was considered, perhaps, by many to be the top student news reporter in the region. I was writing a total of  three or more news articles a week for two local newspapers).  

As the Summer rolled on I started thinking maybe I need to take that French class again and prove that I can master French too.

I didn't have a student counselor to talk to and nobody gave me any advice, so I did what I thought was best.

 On September 8, 1959, the first day of the new school year, I enrolled to repeat French.

I thought I was ready for the challenge, but woe be me!!


                                 To be continued on November 9, 2017 Part 2

                                         Copyright 2017. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.

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