Monday, December 29, 2014

"Bobby" Joe O. Gamble, 1961 East Suffolk High Graduate, passed away on December 14, 2014

Article 4, Volume 5

Remembering Joe O. "Bobby" Gamble

A Funeral service was held for Joe Otis "Bobby" Gamble on December 29, 2014 at Fort Lincoln Funeral Home in Brentwood, Maryland. He resided in Takoma Park, Maryland.

"Bobby" Joe grew up in the Saratoga neighborhood of Suffolk, Virginia.

After graduating from East Suffolk High in 1961, he enlisted in the Army and was stationed in Germany. In the mid 60's, after military service, Bobby moved to Washington, D. C.

He was one of my best friends in the sixties.  Together, we got to know a lot about city life.  It was a lot different than life in Suffolk, Virginia.  We enjoyed the experience and challenges of life in the city and decided to stay in the D.C. area.

Now, if you are a little bit confused about the name Joe Otis, I think I can help you.  Joe Otis was Bobby Gamble, as we knew him in school, the community, parties, and events. The same person.  I did not know his name was Joe Otis until two days ago and I think that may be true for a lot of friends from Suffolk and the military.

His relative, Reverend Katrina Watford Gamble delivered a beautiful sermon at the Home Going service.  She used Corinthians 15: 50-57 for her text.  She is an Associate Minister of New Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Fayetteville, N.C.

Joe's youngest daughter, Eleasha Francine presented a wonderful tribute to her father. Of course, she mentioned his hats and shinning shoes.

His oldest daughter, Jolema Kiara, also participated in the services.

Music was provided by Nova Payton, soloist and Darius Smith, Pianist

The American Legion's presentation, honoring Joe was outstanding.

Bobby worked at Safeway for 30 years.

In 1973 he married Claretta Green. To this union, two daughters were born. Jolema and  Eleasha.

Joe Otis leaves to cherish his memory, two daughters and a host of  family and friends.

Yes, Bobby will be remembered.

                   Copyright 2014 Grady E. Bryant  

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