Wednesday, October 12, 2022

East Suffolk High teachers who directly or indirectly had an impact on the use of more than an estimated $15 Billion in the economy

Article 5 volume 12 

   Students taught by ESH teachers from 1939 to 1965 had major roles in jobs dealing with money management and usage in the United States.

Our introduction to life skills generally started when we were in high school.  We knew about teaching and preaching maybe a little about typing and office assistance jobs.  But for the most part, we were lost in knowledge about most occupations. I had never heard of an Accounting occupation until I reached high school.  Many girls aspired to be good homemakers after graduation from high school and maybe get a job in the local labor force.  Many boys just wanted to graduate and get a job at the shipyard or go into military service.  One of my favorite classmates expressed a desire to be a seamstress, and it was clear to me that her skills would be better utilized in education. Well, she had a successful career in education and retired as a principal of a school. Another classmate said he wanted to pursue a career in being a jet pilot. It sounded good to him, but he didn't pursue his dreams.  In my opinion, we just wanted to graduate when entered high school.

After we launched our high school careers, we were taught about how we could function and be successful in so many more occupations.  Thanks to these wonderful teachers we were prepared to pursue careers in jobs that we had never heard about when we entered high school.

Many of these students became millionaires and top executives in government and private industry.  Also, many became successful entrepreneurs.  The root of all this success started in high school.

To be clear, I'm not saying that we earned ** $15 billion. I am saying that we had a role in the movement of at least that amount of money through its many chains in the united states economy.

In the picture associated with this article, you see the teachers and principal at East Suffolk High in 1961.  Every student who went through ESH (East Suffolk High) in its 26-year history, spent some time in the classroom of at least 2 of these teachers.

The $15 billion dollars was calculated based on the ex-students buying homes, selling homes, earning a paycheck, managing a budget, working in money management, or any job that involved money.  

**The formula for the estimated figure is hypothetic and based on the GEB index analysis computation.


Copyright 2022. Grady E. Bryant Sr. All Rights Reserved.

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