Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year! Welcoming in the New Year with a thankful heart

Article 2, Volume IV                                                                        December 31, 2019                                 
                                                Looking Back, But moving forward

On this date every year, I imagine a lot of us look back and reminiscence about certain events or experiences we encountered.  Some were good some were bad, but thanks to God we are still here and in some cases we can talk about it.

Growing up in Suffolk, Virginia, in my teenage years, generally, there was a New Year Party somewhere.  It was good to carry a girl, if not, hope you can meet one there.  The party may have been at the Union Hall, Elks Home, Pete Bond Rec Place or somebody's house. 

The tradition was about 2 minutes before midnight, turn the lights out, and if you had somebody's daughter in your arms when the lights came back on at midnight or the beginning of the New Year, you would have a prosperous New Year.

When I arrived in DC, as a young adult, the described practice was still in play, but everything was at a more serious level.

For me, at some point, things really changed.  I found myself at a church for Watch Meeting.  It was a different feeling. We were singing, praying and testifying about how good God is and sharing our life experiences. When midnight approached, we would go down on our knees (if able) and whisper a prayer until the new year came in. It was a good feeling.  It was a blessing to be amongst the believers when the clock struck midnight.  It was time well spent to be at Watch Meeting, praising and thanking God for his many blessings.

So, when the clock struck midnight, December 31, 2019, I was among the few present at Warner Baptist Church, with a bowed down head or on bent knees giving thanks and praises to God for allowing us to be present at the beginning of the year 2020. I am so glad I was there.

I am moving forward!

Happy New Year!

                        People who read this article also visit: www.wbcfallschurch.blogspot.com
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Copyright 2020 Grady E.Bryant Sr

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